
Admission chart


(A) Graduate

£ÛUpdated on June 11, 2024£Ý

The English version of the application guidelines (Fall 2024 enrollment,Spring 2025 enrollment) has been published.
Please check it out.

£ÛUpdated on May 1, 2024£Ý

The Japanese version of the application guidelines has been released.
The English version is currently in preparation, so please check the Japanese version.

?Japanese version available by clicking here

¨DMaster’s Program
¨DDoctoral Program
(B) Researcher
Application for Certificate of Eligibility

Accepting Applications and Announcement of Exam Results

¡ñUndergraduate Program
[Accepting Applications]¡¡January 20-27, 2025
[Announcement of Exam Results]¡¡February 14, 2025
¡ñMaster’s Program & Doctoral Program
[Accepting Applications]
  • ?Fall enrollment
    ¡¡Application Period for October 2024 Enrollment £º June 17-27, 2024
  • ?Spring enrollment
    ¡¡Application Period for April 2025 Enrollment I£º June 17-27, 2024
    ¡¡Application Period for April 2025 Enrollment II£º January 20-27, 2025
[Announcement of Exam Results]
  • ?Fall enrollment
    ¡¡Application Period for October 2024 Enrollment £º August 28, 2024
  • ?Spring enrollment
    ¡¡Application Period for April 2025 Enrollment I£º August 28, 2024
    ¡¡Application Period for April 2025 Enrollment II£ºFebruary 14, 2025


¡ñThe examinees must select all of the following subjects
1£©Japanese as a Foreign Language
2£©Mathematics : Course 2
3£©Science: Physics , Chemistry
?Examination Language£ºJapanese or English (optional)
?SELECTION PROCESS£ºEJU Score, Letter of Recommendation,
Academic Transcript
1£©¡¸Japanese as a Foreign Language¡¹: a score of 200 points or higher
2£©¡¸Science (Physics, Chemistry)¡¹and ¡¸Mathematics (Course 2)¡¹:
A total score of 220 points or higher (for both subjects together)