



南極ミニシンポジウム開催のお知らせ Announcement of mini-symposium about Antarctic

南極ミニシンポジウム開催のお知らせ Announcement of mini-symposium about Antarctic


This is an announcement of a symposium about Antarctic topic. We invite 5 researchers from Hobart in Australia for this symposium. The symposium will be held on the date and at the place shown below.


 場  所:第一総合研究棟7階 大学院ゼミ室2


講演者:草原和也(タスマニア大 南極気候学?生態システム学共同研究センター)
      アレックス?フレーザー(タスマニア大 南極気候学?生態システム学共同研究センター)

世話人:舘山一孝,佐藤和敏(360足球直播 地球環境工学科)

 Date: Mar. 9, 2018 (Friday)
 Time: 13:00-15:00
 Place: Kitami Institute of technology
     First General Research Building, 7th floor, 2nd Seminar Room

Speakers: Dr. Kazuya Kusahara
Dr. Alex Fraser
Mr. Jake Wallis
Ms. Stacey McCormack
Ms. Christine Weldrick

Dr. Kushara is a researcher with the ACE CRC’s Sea Ice Processes and Change project. His research interests are numerical modeling of interactions between the Southern Ocean and the Antarctic cryosphere, such as high sea ice production at coastal polynyas and basal melting of ice shelves.

Dr. Fraser works on active microwave remote sensing of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. From 2013-2015, Dr. Fraser worked as a JSPS postdoctoral fellow at Hokkaido University’s Institute of Low-Temperature Science.

Mr. Wallis is currently undertaking a Ph.D. at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) in Hobart Australia. He focused on a small Southern Ocean species of krill, Thysanoessa macrura, examining their biology including reproduction and development and large-scale population ecology.

Ms. McCormack is interested in animals interact over Antarctica. She is focussed on understanding how animals interact with each other is important for ensuring animal populations remain stable in the future.

Ms. Weldrick is a Ph.D. candidate within the Quantitative Antarctic Studies program at the Institute for Marine & Antarctic Studies based at the University of Tasmania. Her research focuses on the ecological functioning of Southern Ocean pteropod assemblages, including trophic linkages and early life history strategies.

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